The latest promotional event for Venkatesh and Anil Ravipudi's family entertainer, Sankranthiki Vasthunam, caught everyone's attention due to a surprising reference to Tamil superstar Vijay. Vijay, who recently announced his entry into politics, will be seen on screen for the last time in his 69th film. VTV Ganesh, a Tamil actor who is also a familiar face in Telugu cinema, revealed an interesting detail about Vijay's next film, stating that Thalapathy-69 is a remake of Bhagavanth Kesari. Although this news had been circulating in industry circles, the makers had not officially confirmed it.
VTV Ganesh's revelation sparked a lively exchange between him and Anil Ravipudi, who interrupted Ganesh's speech and requested him not to discuss Thalapathy Vijay's film since the producers had not officially announced it as a remake. However, Ganesh appreciated Ravipudi's decision to decline an offer to direct a remake for Vijay, citing that many directors would jump at the opportunity to work with a star of Vijay's caliber. This exchange added a touch of excitement to the promotional event, leaving fans eager for more updates on Thalapathy 69.
While VTV Ganesh's revelation about Thalapathy 69 being a remake of Bhagavanth Kesari has generated significant buzz, it is essential to note that the makers have not officially confirmed this news. However, if true, it would be interesting to see how Vijay's team adapts the story for the Tamil audience. With Vijay's entry into politics, his 69th film is likely to be highly anticipated, and any updates about the project are sure to generate significant interest among fans.
As the buzz around Thalapathy 69 continues to grow, fans are eagerly awaiting official confirmation from the makers about the film's story and other details. While VTV Ganesh's revelation has added to the excitement, it is crucial to wait for an official announcement before speculating further about the project. With Vijay's 69th film likely to be his last before he enters politics, it is sure to be a highly anticipated release in the Tamil film industry.