Thandel, the highly anticipated romantic drama starring Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya, is all set to hit theaters on February 7. The film's makers released the video for the popular single 'Bujji Thalli,' which showcases the blossoming romance between the lead characters Raju and Satya. The video captures the heartwarming moments of the couple's early days of love and their attempts to stay connected during a period of separation.
With Javed Ali's soulful vocals and Shree Mani's poignant lyrics, 'Bujji Thalli' is a must-listen for music lovers. The video song too captures the chemistry of lead pair in an intense and adorable manner with sea backdrop. The music for Thandel is composed by Devi Sri Prasad, while Chandoo Mondeti has not only directed the film but also penned the story.
Thandel marks the second collaboration between Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya after their successful 2021 film Love Story. The film is set along the picturesque Srikakulam coast and promises to be a visual treat. With a talented cast and crew, Thandel is generating immense buzz among film enthusiasts. The film's latest single, 'Namo Namah Shivay,' has already garnered over 4 million views on YouTube, while the lyrical video of 'Bujji Thalli' has racked up nearly 50 million hits.
Thandel boasts an impressive cast and crew, with Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya leading the charge. The film is produced by Bunny Vas and presented by Allu Aravind under the prestigious Geetha Arts banner. The cinematography is handled by Shamdat, while Srinagendra Tangala takes care of the production design. National award winner Navin Nooli is the editor. Mark your calendars for February 7 and get ready to experience a beautiful love story unfold on the big screen.