Dil Raju, producer of the upcoming film Game Changer, starring Ram Charan, has requested Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy to consider increasing ticket prices for the movie's release on January 10. Despite the CM's previous stance against ticket price hikes and benefit shows, Dil Raju remains hopeful.
The Game Changer pre-release event received an overwhelming response, with Andhra Pradesh Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan in attendance. Dil Raju thanked the Andhra Pradesh government for permitting ticket price increases, emphasizing Game Changer's significance as a comeback film. He believes the film's success hinges on its reception in the film industry.
Dil Raju's meeting with CM Revanth Reddy focused on the film industry's growth and development in Telangana. The CM encouraged producing Hollywood-caliber films in Hyderabad and addressing social issues. Dil Raju assured the government's support for the industry's global aspirations.
He revealed about key points in his discussion from the meeting. CM Revanth Reddy instructed about, Developing scenic spots in Telangana and hosting international film festivals, Establishing Hyderabad as a global cinema capital with international-standard studios and Participating in anti-drug and women's protection campaigns
Dil Raju downplayed concerns over ticket prices and benefit shows, emphasizing the industry's commitment to collaborating with the government.