Kannada film industry's beloved star Shiva Rajkumar shared a touching video on social media, expressing gratitude to fans and well-wishers after successfully undergoing cancer treatment. The actor, who was diagnosed with bladder cancer, underwent surgery at the Miami Cancer Institute in December.
In the emotional video, Shiva Rajkumar reflected on his recovery, admitting fear before diagnosis but finding strength in fans, family, and medical team support. He thanked his wife Geetha, cousin, friends, and doctors, including Dr. Shashidhar and Miami Cancer Center staff.
Shiva Rajkumar's wife Geetha also shared a message, revealing the positive outcome: "With your blessings, all reports have come back negative... Shiva Rajkumar is cancer-free." The actor captioned his video: "Eternally grateful for all your love and blessings. Happy New Year! #2025."
Shiva Rajkumar's recovery brings joy to fans, who prayed for his swift return to health. The 62-year-old actor will be seen in upcoming films RC16 and Kannappa. His heartfelt message inspires hope and resilience, welcoming 2025 with gratitude and positivity.