Pan-Indian star Prabhas is making a comeback to film sets after recovering from an injury sustained during the shoot of Hanu Raghavapudi's Fauji. The Baahubali actor underwent treatment abroad and is now fully recovered. Prabhas will return to India on January 2 and resume filming for Fauji on January 4.
Fans are thrilled about Prabhas' return, eager to see him on screen again. 2025 promises to be an exciting year for the actor, with The Raja Saab, directed by Maruthi, scheduled for release. Fauji's shooting will also be completed this year.
Additionally, Prabhas will commence filming for Spirit, helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. This project is highly anticipated, given the director's reputation for crafting compelling stories.
Prabhas' injury hiatus has ended, and he's geared up for a busy 2025. With multiple projects in the pipeline, fans can expect thrilling performances from the actor. Stay tuned for updates on Prabhas' upcoming films.