In a shocking incident, viewers eagerly awaiting Icon Star's "Pushpa 2" in Jaipur, Rajasthan, were forced to watch "Baby Jaan" instead. Despite being 25 days post-release, "Pushpa 2" continues to draw massive crowds in the Hindi belt, grossing Rs.700 crore.
The stunned audience, who booked tickets online, protested and argued with theater management. Some reluctantly watched "Baby Jaan," while others demanded refunds, citing lack of information about the show change. The booking app, Book My Show, still listed "Pushpa 2" as the scheduled movie.
The theater management attributed the cancellation to the film's producers' request. However, this explanation failed to pacify the disgruntled audience. The incident highlights issues with communication and scheduling in theater operations.
This unexpected switch has sparked outrage among "Pushpa 2" fans. As Icon Star's film continues its blockbuster run, viewers are still preferring Pushpa 2.