Victory Venkatesh is celebrating his birthday today, and the makers of his upcoming film, Sankranthiki Vasthunnam, have released a promo of the second single, Meenu. The promo offers a sneak peek into a lively house celebration where Venkatesh engages in playful banter with his ex-girlfriend Meenu, played by Meenakshi Chaudhary, in the presence of his wife, portrayed by Aishwarya Rajesh. The promo also gives us a glimpse of Venkatesh's stunning transformation into a stylish cop, redefining the classic cop look.
The film, directed by Anil Ravipudi, promises to be a thrilling ride, with Venkatesh playing the role of an ex-cop and a family man. The movie also stars Meenakshi Chaudhary, Aishwarya Rajesh, Upendra Limaye, and Rajendra Prasad in key roles. The cinematography is handled by Sameer Reddy, while AS Prakash takes charge of the production design. The screenplay is written by S Krishna and G Adhinarayana, with V Venkat choreographing the action sequences.
The first single, Godari Gattu, was a massive hit, and the second single, Meenu, promises to be just as catchy. Composed by Bheems Ceciroleo, the song is sure to get stuck in your head. With Sankranthiki Vasthunnam scheduled for release on January 14th on Sankranthi, fans are eagerly waiting to see Venkatesh in action.
As Victory Venkatesh celebrates his birthday, we wish him a year filled with love, laughter, and success. May Sankranthiki Vasthunnam be a huge success and may Venkatesh continue to entertain audiences with his talented performances.