Tamil film Meiyazhagan dubbed into Telugu as Satyam Sundaram starring Karthi and Arvind Swamy, maintains its momentum into its second weekend, defying competition from Jr NTR's Devara: Part 1. Released on September 27 in Tamil and 28 in Telugu, the movie achieved ₹10 crore within three days and continues to attract audiences.
On its ninth day, Meiyazhagan,.Satyam Sundaram earned ₹1.65 crore, taking its total net collection to ₹27.89 crore, close to 30 Crores. The film which was released in Telugu by Asian Suresh with a target of 7 crores has already touched 6 crores share. With festival days ahead, it would be a cakewalk for Karthi starrer to enter into break even zone and earn profits.
Directed by C Prem Kumar, Meiyazhagan tells the story of a middle-aged man's journey back to his hometown, exploring themes of loss and redemption. The star-studded cast includes Sri Divya, Swathi Konde, Rajkiran, Devadarshini, Karunakaran, Sriranjini, and Ilavarasu.
Produced on a budget of ₹35 crore, Meiyazhagan is poised to reach the ₹30cr mark, solidifying its position as a successful film. Its enduring box office performance underscores the film's resonance with audiences.