Veteran actor Rajinikanth was rushed to Apollo Hospitals in Chennai on September 30, after complaining of severe stomach pain while shooting for his latest, Lokesh Kanagaraj's Coolie. The 73-year-old legendary star was admitted late on Monday night and is currently under observation.
According to reports, Rajinikanth is scheduled to undergo an elective procedure in the cardiac cath lab on October 1, supervised by renowned cardiologist Dr. Sai Satish. Hospital authorities have confirmed that his condition is stable.
This hospitalization comes just days before the release of his upcoming film, Vettaiyan, directed by TJ Gnanavel of Jai Bhim fame, slated for October 10. Fans and well-wishers are wishing the iconic actor a speedy recovery.
Rajinikanth's health has been a concern in recent years, with periodic hospitalizations. However, his team has assured that this procedure is elective and routine. The actor's fans will be keeping a close eye on updates regarding his health and recovery.