Acclaimed filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj has made a heartfelt appeal to fans, requesting them not to share any footage from his upcoming action thriller "Coolie" on social media. This plea comes after a leaked video featuring Telugu star Nagarjuna from the pan-India movie, currently in production, surfaced online.
Kanagaraj, known for his blockbuster films "Vikram" and "Leo", expressed his disappointment via an X post, highlighting the impact of such leaks on the film's overall experience. "Two months of hard work by many people have gone in vain because of one recording," he wrote, humbly requesting fans to refrain from sharing unauthorized content.
"Coolie" boasts an impressive cast, including Rajinikanth, marking his 171st film, and Nagarjuna, with music composed by Anirudh Ravichander. The film's action sequences are being crafted by renowned stunt choreographer duo Anbariv (Anbumani and Arivumani). Backed by Sun Pictures, "Coolie" is slated for release next year.
By respecting Lokesh Kanagaraj's request, fans can help preserve the cinematic experience and avoid spoiling key moments for others. As anticipation builds for "Coolie", supporters can look forward to an unforgettable action-packed ride, enhanced by the filmmaker's unique storytelling and direction.