Akshay Kumar is set to collaborate with Ekta Kapoor's Balaji Motion Pictures on a new horror-comedy film, directed by Priyadarshan, who is making a comeback to Hindi cinema after a significant hiatus. The project marks Kumar's return to the horror-comedy genre, which he previously explored in Bhool Bhulaiyaa (2007). The film's casting is underway, with Kareena Kapoor Khan being considered for the female lead role, opposite Kumar.
Kumar and Kapoor Khan have previously worked together on several successful films, including Aitraaz, Ajnabee, Good Newwz, and Rowdy Rathore (Kapoor Khan had a cameo). Their on-screen pairing has been well-received by audiences, making them a popular choice for this upcoming project. Meanwhile, Kapoor Khan recently collaborated with Ekta Kapoor on The Buckingham Murders (2024), directed by Hansal Mehta.
Although there has been no official announcement from Balaji Motion Pictures or Kumar about this new project, fans are eagerly awaiting confirmation. Kumar recently hinted at a surprise on his Instagram post, featuring a demonic figure with the caption "What could be better than a day like today to hint at something special coming your way? The reveal is set for my birthday. Stay tuned!"
The film's announcement is expected to coincide with Kumar's birthday on Monday. With Priyadarshan's direction and the potential pairing of Kumar and Kapoor Khan, this horror-comedy is already generating significant buzz. Fans can expect an official confirmation soon, followed by more updates on the project's cast, crew, and release date.