"Devara," the highly anticipated film starring NTR and directed by Koratala Siva, has made its mark on the global stage by becoming the only Indian film featured on IMDb's list of highly anticipated global films for 2024. This reunion project of NTR and Koratala Siva, who previously collaborated on the blockbuster hit "Janatha Garage," is set to release by the end of the year and has generated immense excitement among fans.
As the year enters its final quarter, "Devara" stands out among a slew of films generating buzz across India, with its inclusion on IMDb's list alongside international titles such as "Little Brother" and "Megalopolis." This recognition speaks to the global attention the film has garnered, positioning it as a pan-Indian release with the potential to resonate on a global scale.
Following the monumental success of "RRR," NTR's popularity has soared both in India and internationally, earning him critical acclaim and expanding his fanbase worldwide. With "Devara," NTR has the opportunity to further solidify his status as an actor capable of delivering films that resonate globally.
The anticipation surrounding "Devara" is palpable, and its inclusion on IMDb's list has only added to the hype. As the film's release approaches, fans eagerly await the opportunity to witness NTR's next performance on the big screen. With its global recognition and pan-Indian release, "Devara" has the potential to become a game-changer in NTR's career, cementing his position as a leading actor in Indian cinema.