Dhanush is set to introduce his 18-year-old son Yatra into the cinema industry as a lyricist for his directorial venture Nilavukku Enmel Ennadi Kobam (NEEK). Yatra has penned the hook lines for the song 'Golden Sparrow' in this youthful romantic drama, marking his debut in the industry. The first single from NEEK, composed by GV Prakash, is set to release on August 30th, and features Priyanka Mohan in a special cameo.
The announcement has sparked excitement among Dhanush's fans, with social media buzzing about the collaboration. Initially, reports suggested that Yatra had penned the entire lyrics of the song, but it was later clarified that he had written the hook lines. SJ Suryah, who worked with Dhanush in Raayan, had an early viewing of the song and commended Yatra's lines in 'Golden Sparrow' as well as Priyanka's performance.
Suryah took to social media to praise the song, saying, "I had the privilege to watch the song with @dhanushkraja sir and pretty @priyankaamohan very cute song … and the way dir @dhanushkraja pulled a very cute dance from @priyankaamohan as a cute pretty young maami is like super & addictive, with simple cute stylish steps, she just rocked in that song and the song penned by dhanush sir son #yathradhanush … amazed boy."
The collaboration between Dhanush and his son Yatra has generated significant interest, with fans eagerly awaiting the release of 'Golden Sparrow' on August 30th. With Yatra's debut as a lyricist and Priyanka's special cameo, NEEK is shaping up to be an exciting project.