Raja Raveender's latest film, Sarangadhariya, is set to release on Aha on August 31, 2024. The family drama, directed by Padmmarao Abbisetty, received positive reviews but had a dull response at the box office. The film tells the story of a doting father, played by Raja Raveender, who navigates life-related issues with his two jobless sons and a daughter involved in a murder case. The movie also explores themes of family neglect and acceptance, particularly in the context of a transgender character.
Sarangadhariya marks a departure from Raja Raveender's usual negative roles, as he plays a positive character in this film. His performance was well-received, and the movie conveys a sensitive message about the importance of parental involvement in children's lives. The film is produced by Umadevi and Sarath Chandra under the Saija Creations banner.
Aha has acquired the digital rights to Sarangadhariya for a nominal price, making it available to stream from August 31, 2024. Fans of family dramas and emotional storytelling can look forward to watching this film on the platform. With its positive message and strong performances, Sarangadhariya is a must-watch for those who appreciate meaningful cinema.
The movie's OTT release is a great opportunity for audiences to experience the emotional journey of the characters and the sensitive themes explored in the film. Mark your calendars for August 31, 2024, and get ready to stream Sarangadhariya on Aha.