Why did Pawan rejected Kushi sequel. SJ Suryah, a multi-faceted talent known for his acting and directorial prowess, is currently experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity. With a packed schedule filled with Telugu and Tamil projects, he's become the sought-after actor of the moment.
His journey from director to actor has been remarkable, and it's intriguing to note his early foray into writing. He revealed during the promotions of "Saripodha Sanivaram" that he penned a story in phonetical Telugu, which he envisioned as a sequel to the iconic "Kushi".
He pitched this concept to Pawan Kalyan, who initially expressed interest, but later changed his mind due to a shift in his focus away from love stories.
Despite his disappointment, Suryah stands by his belief that the project would have been a blockbuster.
It's worth noting that while the details about the story and its relation to "Puli" are not clearly mentioned, it seems likely that Suryah, inspired by Pawan Kalyan's changing interests, developed a new storyline.
"Saripodha Sanivaram," featuring Nani in the lead role, is scheduled to release on August 29th and promises to showcase Suryah's acting prowess once again.
This insightful glimpse into Suryah's creative journey highlights his passion for storytelling and his unwavering belief in his work. It also reminds us of Pawan Kalyan's dynamic career path and how he constantly evolves as an artist.