Prabhas's Kalki 2898 AD, a highly awaited PAN Indian film, is hitting new records in advance bookings. The response is strong not only in Telugu-speaking states, but worldwide. The film will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, English, Malayalam and Kannada, tomorrow on Thursday and it has already earned more than Rs 35 crore from advance ticket sales, selling over 100K tickets for its grand premiere.
The film has sold over 10 lakh tickets on its first day, generating Rs 35.93 crore from 13,628 shows in multiple languages including Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam. The film has already sold over 2 lakh tickets in India and grossed $3 million in North America through advance booking.
While few theatres commenced ticket sales yesterday, while full-fledged advances began a while ago in Andhra Pradesh. Both state governments approved ticket price hike, and all eyes are now on the opening-day figure. Trade experts anticipate that Kalki 2898 AD would surpass Nizam's day one RRR record. Apart from ticket hike, AP Government has approved to screen an additional show on its release day. That is, 6 Shows for Kalki 2898 AD tomorrow, on 27th June. Now, shows in AP will.begin from 4 to 4:30 AM.
Kalki 2898 AD, an Indian epic dystopian science fiction action film, is planned to open in theatres on July 27. The film, directed by Nag Ashwin, Produced by Ashwini Dutt of Vyjayanthi Films.