Anjali clarifying her relationship with Balakrishna. Nandamuri Balakrishna's recent attendance at the pre-release event of "Gangs of Godavari," starring Vishwak Sen, sparked controversy. Misinformation about Balayya's conduct at the event spread widely, including a viral video clip that seemingly depicted inappropriate behavior towards actress Anjali.
Anjali has now addressed the controversy, clarifying that her relationship with Balayya remains cordial and respectful. She refuted the claims of misbehavior, emphasizing their friendly bond. To prove her point, Anjali shared a video clip showcasing their interaction at the event. The clip features Balayya smiling and speaking to her, even playfully pushing her in a lighthearted moment.
Anjali posted "I want to thank Balakrishna Garu for gracing the Gangs of Godavari pre-release event with his presence. I would like to express that Balakrishna garu and I have always maintained mutual respect for eachother and We share a great friendship from a long time. It was wonderful to share the stage with him again."
Anjali's statement aims to put a stop to the unfounded rumors and reiterate the positive nature of her relationship with Balayya. She cautioned those spreading misinformation, urging them to focus on factual information.