Get ready for the much-anticipated release of "OG," starring Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, scheduled to hit the screens on September 27. Fans are thrilled as Pawan Kalyan returns with an original movie, with the talented Sujeeth taking the directorial helm. In a recent interview, Sujeeth revealed an exciting aspect of this gangster action drama - it will be infused with captivating Japanese references.
Sujeeth expressed his admiration for Japanese cinema, stating, "I am a big fan of Japanese films, and interestingly, Kalyan Garu also shares the same love for them. In fact, Kalyan Garu named his son Akira as a tribute to the legendary Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa." As for the title "OG," it stands for "Ojaas Gambhira," where "Ojaas" signifies a master, and "Gambhira" represents the name of the protagonist. Furthermore, "OG" finds its essence in being an Original Gangster.
Sujeeth further revealed that even in Pawan Kalyan's previous movies, he subtly incorporated Japanese references, despite there being no specific requirement. However, in "OG," these Japanese elements seamlessly blend into the script, organically enriching the storytelling. The trailer for the movie has also been prepared, further building anticipation among fans.
As the release date draws closer, fans can look forward to experiencing a thrilling combination of gangster action and Japanese influences in "OG." With Pawan Kalyan's incredible screen presence and Sujeeth's directorial prowess, this film promises to be a captivating cinematic experience that fans won't want to miss.