Yakshini trailer released. Yakshini is an exciting series produced by Shobhu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni through their renowned production banner, Arca Media Works, known for their grand production of Baahubali. The series features a talented cast including Vedika, Manchu Lakshmi, Rahul Vijay, and Ajay in lead roles, adding their charisma to the narrative. Teja Marni, a director who has already impressed audiences with films like Arjuna Phalguna, Johar, and Kota Bommali PS, takes the helm of the Yakshini series.
With a unique blend of horror and socio-fantasy elements, this Yakshini series takes us on a gripping journey. The trailer reveals the story of a Yakshini named Vedika, residing in Alakapuri, Kubera's kingdom. Bound by the spell of love, she forgets her true purpose and undergoes a transformation, becoming a man-eating Yakshini after killing several individuals. The trailer also introduces us to the protagonist, Rahul Vijay, who is searching for a life partner, and other intriguing characters portrayed by Manchu Lakshmi and Ajay.
From the glimpses offered in the trailer, it is evident that Yakshini will offer a thrilling and immersive experience filled with frights and captivating storytelling. The series is scheduled to stream on Disney Plus Hotstar from June 14 in various languages including Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Bengali, and Marathi. I highly recommend watching the trailer to catch a glimpse of the horrifying and enchanting world of Yakshini. Get ready for an exciting ride!