
Interesting Twist In Dragon Title

Who owns Dragon Title?

Who owns Dragon Title. NTR fans are buzzing with anticipation following reports that "Dragon" will be the title for the upcoming pan-Indian film starring the actor and director Prashanth Neel. The news is particularly exciting as the title rights were generously gifted by Karan Johar, who holds the rights after initially considering it for his own film, "Brahmastra."

The gesture, reportedly done out of respect for NTR, has further solidified the anticipation for this collaboration. While the film is still in its early stages, with the script ready and production by Mythri Movie Makers, the cast is yet to be finalized.

However, a twist in the tale emerged, potentially throwing a wrench in the "Dragon" plans. A bilingual Telugu-Tamil film titled "Dragon," featuring Pradeep Ranganadhan and directed by Aswat Marimuthu, is already in production and has reportedly completed more than half of its filming.


This presents a challenge for Neel and NTR, as the title is likely to be registered and could pose a conflict for a pan-Indian release, especially in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It remains unclear if the Telugu version of "Dragon" has been completed, which would further complicate matters.

Adding to the confusion, NTR's schedule is packed with "Devara Part 1," "War 2," and now Prashanth Neel's project. The exact timeline for "Dragon" is still unclear, with speculation swirling about whether it will begin filming before or after "Salaar Part 2: Shauryanga Parvam."

Despite the uncertainty, NTR's dedication to delivering films back-to-back is evident. "Devara" is set for an October release, followed by "War 2" in March of next year, leaving ample room for him to dedicate time to Prashanth Neel's project.  

While the "Dragon" title remains a point of contention, the excitement surrounding this power-packed collaboration is undeniable.  Fans eagerly await official confirmation and further updates on this highly anticipated project.

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