The Andhra Pradesh election campaign, which has been captivating for the past few weeks, concluded today at 6 pm, with polling scheduled for May 13 from 7 am to 6 pm. As per the Election Commission's orders, non-local leaders and others already present in the constituencies were required to leave. However, on the final day, Allu Arjun, accompanied by his wife Sneha Reddy, visited the home of his friend and YCP Nandyala MLA candidate, Shilpa Ravichandra Reddy.
Observers noted that while Allu Arjun had known Ravichandra Reddy previously, their meetings had become less frequent since he became an MLA, with encounters happening only once every six months. This gesture highlighted Allu Arjun's commitment to supporting his friend's electoral campaign, emphasizing his hard work and dedication.
However, a recent development indicates that a case has been registered against YCP MLA candidate Shilpa Ravichandra Reddy, along with Allu Arjun. During Allu Arjun's visit to Ravichandra Reddy's residence, a large crowd gathered to see the actor, with photos and videos of the incident quickly going viral on social media.
It appears that a complaint was filed against Ravichandra Reddy for allegedly mobilizing people without permission, leading to the police registering a case under section 188 of the IPC, with the case being recorded as crime number 71/2024.