The highly anticipated sequel, Double iSmart, starring Ram Pothineni and directed by Puri Jagannadh, has recently resumed shooting after a few months of hiatus. Currently filming crucial sequences in Mumbai, the team is leaving no stone unturned to deliver a mass flick that will meet the sky-high expectations set by its predecessor, iSmart Shankar.
The makers have tantalized fans with a picture of Ram Pothineni, hinting at an upcoming update. While the nature of this update remains a mystery, fans are eager to find out what exciting news awaits them. Adding to the excitement, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has taken on the role of Ram's formidable adversary, for which he was reportedly offered a substantial remuneration.
Originally slated for a release on March 8, the film faced production delays, leading to its postponement. Nevertheless, fans are patiently awaiting its arrival on the big screen. Kavya Thapar joins the cast as the female lead, while the renowned composer, Mani Sharma, who played a significant role in the success of iSmart Shankar's music, is expected to deliver captivating tunes once again for this sequel.
Produced by Charmme Kaur and Puri Jagannadh under the banner of Puri Connects, Double iSmart promises to be a thrilling and entertaining cinematic experience for the audience.