Mogali Rekulu fame RK Sagar who took a break from movies is back with an emotional action thriller THE 100 written and directed by Raghav Omkar Sasidhar. Ramesh Karutoori, Venki Pushadapu, and J Tharak Ram are jointly producing the movie under the banners of KRIA Film Corp and Dhamma Productions. Former Vice President Of India Venkaiah Naidu recently unveiled the first look of the movie which got a good response. The poster introduced RK Sagar as Vikranth IPS.
Today, Mega Mother Smt Konidela Anjana Devi launched the film’s teaser. The teaser opens with IPS Officer Vikranth being enquired by Human rights commission for the crimes he committed. Some mass murders happened on the outskirts of the city and all of them were surprisingly rowdy sheeters. The police inquiry is underway. The protagonist doesn’t care what the media or others think about his approach. He doesn’t even fear the higher officials or the Human rights commission .
The teaser is meant to demonstrate the arrogant nature of the honest IPS Officer who goes to any extent to eradicate crime in his terrain. RK Sagar looked fit in the khaki outfit and looks ferocious. Director Raghav Omkar Sasidhar presented the character strikingly. As the teaser suggests the movie will be high in action with a gripping narrative.
Misha Narang will be seen opposite RK Sagar in the movie which also features Dhanya Balakrishna in a pivotal role. Shyam K Naidu cranks the camera, while Harshavardhan Rameshwar provides the music. Amar Reddy Kudumula is the editor. Chinna is the production designer. Sudheer Varma Pericharla penned the dialogues for the movie which is gearing up for release.