Versatile Star Chiyaan Vikram's upcoming film 'Thangalaan' is directed by highly acclaimed director Pa. Ranjith which is backed by Jio Studios and Studio Green Films, owned by K.E. Gnanavelraja. Amidst mounting anticipation for the film’s release, the team commemorated the occasion of ‘Chiyaan’ Vikram’s birthday today with a special treat for fans by releasing a captivating video that unveiled some glimpses of the eagerly awaited film.
Thangalaan is a vision to present a historical adventure story based on true events, backed by phenomenal effort from Vikram and the entire team. On the occasion of Vikram's birthday, the tribute video showcases the efforts put in by Vikram, which helped the film to get its due attention and create huge expectations.
Thangalaan stars ‘Chiyaan’ Vikram, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Malavika Mohanan, Pasupathi, Harikrishnan Anbudurai with Music Direction by G.V. Prakash Kumar. Set against the backdrop of the historic Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) in the early 1900’s, Thangalaan is poised to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative from real-life events. It is a historical adventure that narrates the erased role of oppressed communities in the exploration of gold in South of India.
Since its announcement, the film has garnered immense interest and is among the most anticipated releases in South cinema in 2024. The film is currently in post-production and its release date shall be announced shortly. The film will hit the cinemas in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi languages in a grand manner soon.