Raveena Tandon husband Anil Thadani betting on Telugu films. After the resounding success of 'HanuMan,' prominent Hindi distributor Anil Thadani, who is also the husband of Raveena Tandon, has shifted his focus to Telugu cinema. "Having made significant profits with 'HanuMan' in the Hindi heartland, he is now keen on investing more in Telugu films," a source revealed. Anil has acquired the Hindi dubbing rights for 'Pushpa 2' and recently struck a lucrative deal with Jr NTR for 'Devara,' intending to release the film in various centers across North India.
For 'Devara,' Anil has joined forces with his colleague and producer Karan Johar, recognizing the potential for a grand release of the NTR-Janhvi Kapoor starrer. "NTR has gained immense popularity among Hindi film viewers post the massive success of 'RRR.' He has become a household name in the Hindi heartland, given the patronage his dubbed films have received from Hindi audiences in the past," the source added.
Director Prashanth Varma, speaking to Deccan Chronicle, praised Anil Thadani's business acumen. "Despite several Bollywood distributors expressing interest in making 'HanuMan' a pan-India film, I opted to collaborate with the renowned Bollywood distributor Anil Thadani due to his reputation and extensive network. He has provided invaluable guidance, helping us better connect with pan-India audiences. Our trailer received an overwhelming response online. The film was released in Mumbai, Delhi, UP, and various other places, with the number of theaters exceeding 1000," he said.
Given that many Telugu filmmakers are now designing their films for a pan-India audience, Anil Thadani appears poised to spend more time in Hyderabad and Mumbai, securing additional deals in the near future.