Bhima ropes in Ram Charan as its brand ambassador. Jewels has announced the signing of Telugu actor Ram Charan as its official brand ambassador. The jewellery retail chain, with showrooms across Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and the UAE, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration in a press release.
Ram Charan's association with Bhima Jewels is seen as a blending of two legacies — one of cinematic brilliance and the other of unparalleled craftsmanship. B. Bindumadhav, chairman of Bhima Jewels, described the collaboration as a significant moment in the brand's journey. He emphasized that by partnering with Ram Charan, they are not just adding a face to their brand but creating a fusion of craftsmanship and cinematic charisma.
Bindumadhav noted that Ram Charan's universal appeal will resonate with their diverse audience, helping to strengthen the brand's presence in the market. Abhishek Bindumadhav, MD of Bhima Jewels, highlighted the synergy between Ram Charan's versatility as a mega power star and the brand's exquisite designs and stellar craftsmanship. He expressed confidence that this partnership will enhance their customer base in India and the UAE.
Ram Charan expressed his excitement about the collaboration, stating, "I am happy to be associated with Bhima Jewels, a brand synonymous with tradition and craftsmanship. It’s a century-long legacy, symbolising generations of trust and superior craftsmanship."