Nidhhi Agerwal turns sensuous. Nidhhi Agerwal is not just a stunning actress but also a talented dancer. Her Bollywood debut in 'Munna Michael' alongside Tiger Shroff showcased her glamorous side, although the weak storyline led to the film's lackluster performance. Transitioning to Tollywood, she appeared in films like 'Mr. Majnu' and 'Savyasachi,' but unfortunately, these films did not bring her the desired success. However, her luck changed with Puri Jagannadh's 'iSmart Shankar,' where her bold and glamorous performance garnered her a significant fan following.
To cater to her fans, Nidhhi frequently shares captivating photoshoots. As a former model, she effortlessly delivers sensuous poses that resonate with younger audiences. In a recent photo, she stands alluringly in a black Calvin Klein outfit, showcasing her stunning curves that are sure to captivate many hearts. Overall, Nidhhi's dusky beauty and charm make her a force to be reckoned with in the industry.
On the professional front, Nidhhi is set to appear in Ashok Galla's debut film as the female lead. She is also making her Tamil debut with 'Bhoomi,' starring Jayam Ravi. Additionally, she is entering the Kannada film industry with 'James,' where she will be starring opposite Puneeth Rajkumar.