R Madhavan and Nayanthara's upcoming cricket drama "The Test" has concluded production, the makers announced on Wednesday. The film, which also features Siddharth and Meera Jasmine, marks the directorial debut of producer S Sashikanth, the founder of banner YNOT Studios. He has also written the script for the film.
The production company shared the news on social media and also posted a behind-the-scenes clip from the film's set. "It's a WRAP for #theTEST. See you in cinemas, this Summer," YNOT Studios posted on microblogging site X.
According to reports, Test is shot in and around Chennai and Bengaluru. The film's technical crew consists of TS Suresh as the editor, Viraj Sinh Gohil as the cinematographer and Dinesh Subbarayan handling stunts. Dhruv Panjuani, who is best known for choreographing sports sequences in films like 83, serves as a sports director in Test. Singer Shakthisree Gopalan will be marking her debut as a composer with the film.
The team shared a small glimpse into the world of ‘The Test’, where Siddharth will be portraying the role of Arjun, a cricketer. It is still unknown as to what roles Madhavan and Nayanthara will be essaying in the film. As the film’s title suggests, ‘The Test’ will revolve around an International Test Cricket match and the events that unfold prior to and after the Test. The film is scheduled to be released this Summer. Along with Tamil, Test will also be released in Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi.