Vithika turns gorgeous in floral gown. Vithika Sheru embarked on her journey in the entertainment industry at the tender age of 11, making her presence felt in Telugu TV series. At the age of 15, she took a significant step into the world of cinema with her debut in the Kannada movie "Anthu Inthu Preethi Banthu." Interestingly, her entry into Kannada cinema unfolded unexpectedly while accompanying her stylist aunt on a film set. Following her role in the Kannada film "Ullasa Utsaha," she expanded her horizons into Telugu cinema.
Vithika Sheru's career boasts lead roles in Telugu films such as "Prema Ishq Kaadhal" and her Tamil debut in "Uyir Mozhi," where she portrayed a visually impaired character with finesse. Beyond her acting pursuits, she has also embraced roles as a brand ambassador and gained recognition for her creative content on YouTube, amassing a substantial following of 730,000 subscribers.
In a recent Instagram post captioned "Hello Beautiful World," Vithika shared delightful beach pictures, capturing serene moments and radiating joy. Additionally, she shared an adorable reel where she is seen playfully running to her actor husband Varun Sandesh, revealing a heart-shaped rock. Their light-hearted banter in the reel is charming hearts and resonating with their fans.
On the professional front, Vithika has taken a brief hiatus from films, with her last appearance in the 2021 release "Pelli SandaD." Currently, she is channeling her creative energy into her YouTube channel, engaging with her audience and sharing glimpses of her life beyond the silver screen.