This is the season of big releases and Pawan Kalyan started it with ‘Komaram Puli’ which is to be continued further by Rajinikanth, Mahesh Babu, Junior NTR, Ramgopal Varma and Nagarjuna. As release date of ‘Robot’ is confirmed as 24th of this month, now there is still a discrepancy running about the release dates of ‘Khaleja’ and ‘Brindavanam.’
Both the movies will be completing with their final technical work in next two weeks. While Dil Raju in order to incorporate the release of ‘Gaganam’ in last week of October, planning for a gap of at least three to four weeks between ‘Brindavanam’ and ‘Gaganam.’ So, by every chance ‘Brindavanam’ may strike theatres in first week of October.
As none of the producers would wish to take the release opposite to Junior NTR and this is what making most ill planned producer Singanamala Ramesh to check for the dates to show his ‘Khaleja.’ Though there are two dates like September 30 and October 7 for ‘Khaleja,’ one has to wait for few more days to confirm who among Mahesh and Junior NTR will arrive first?