Ajay Devgn 's superhit film, Raid, where he played the role of an honest IRS officer Amay Patnaik gets its sequel now. The film has commenced it's shoot at Mumbai today on 6th January. Raid features Illeana as female lead directed by Raj Kumar Gupta. The sequel, which is now in production, is backed by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, and Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak under their banners T-Series and Panorama Studios, respectively.
Raid is being remade in Telugu with Ravi Teja as Mr Bachchan. Harish Shankar is helming the project. The film is said to have undergone several changes that suits aptly to Telugu audiences. The film has kick-started it's regular shoot recently. People Media Factory is bankrolling the project.
Ravi Teja First Clap To Raid 2
Ravi Teja and Harish Shankar flew to Mumbai from Hyderabad to be present at the event. Ravi Teja gave the muhurat clap for Raid 2 on Ajay Devgn. The shooting for the film commenced in Mumbai on Saturday. The film will be extensively shot in Mumbai, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.
Apart from Raid, Ajay Devgn 's upcoming films include period sports drama Maidaan as well as Neeraj Pandey's Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha. He is also working on Rohit Shetty's Singham Again.