Kotabommali PS, the Telugu version of the critically acclaimed Malayalam movie Nayattu, had a decent run at the box office in November after opening to positive reviews. The cast of the cop and political conflict resulted in a survival thriller included Srikanth, Rahul Vijay, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Shivani Rajashekar.
The film was directed by Teja Marni while backed by GA2 Pictures Bunny Vas along with Vidya Koppineedi. With a runtime of 2 hours and 25 minutes, the movie received the ratings of 7.7/10 on IMDb. Given the success of the film, the makers are now gearing up for its digital release.
Kota Bommali PS is making its digital debut on January 11, 2024 in aHa. It will also be available in Tamil language too. Production house Geetha Arts announced the streaming date,
Pandhem modalayyindhi!
Gelichedi evaro chudandi 🤟🏻
#KotabommaliPS Premieres Jan 11 on @ahavideoIN
The narrative is told through the eyes of middle-aged Kotabommali Police Station officer Rama Krishna (Srikanth Meka), who is in charge of new trainees Ravi Kumar (Rahul Vijay) and Kumari (Shivani Rajashekar). How is Rama Krishna's squad influenced when corrupt politician Barisela Jayaraj (Murali Sharma) is determined to win the elections?