Maverick director RGV on Animal sensation. Sandeep Reddy Vanga's action-packed film "Animal," featuring Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor, and Bobby Deol, has emerged as an unstoppable force at the global and Indian box office. While the film has garnered immense success, it has also faced criticism for purportedly endorsing violence against women and toxic masculinity. Renowned filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma (RGV), known for his polarizing films, has been actively sharing his thoughts on "Animal."
In a recent tweet, RGV offered his 'five takeaways for the people of India from Animal.' He began by stating, "1. Indians are not the same Indians, what the earlier Indians used to think. 2. If films are believed to be an art form and reflect culture, Animal has redefined culture and destroyed what was earlier called art."
Commenting on the film's box office triumph, crossing ₹600 crore worldwide in just eight days and reaching ₹660.89 crore in nine days, RGV suggested that the success of "Animal" reveals that 'animals are hidden in all of us.' He pointed out that the collections signify the widespread love and respect for Sandeep Reddy Vanga, a director who has polarized opinions.
Further elaborating on his takeaways, RGV added, "3. Every Indian is now exposed to each other Indian in terms of what kind of ANIMALS are hidden in all of us. 4. The mega box office proves that all Indians now love and respect a not-to-be-loved and respected director (Sandeep Reddy Vanga). 5. All Indians now realize that all Indians have grown up (folded hands emojis)."
A few days after the film's release on December 1, RGV shared a detailed note on X, expressing his thoughts on "Animal." He emphasized that the movie's content, particularly Ranbir's character, could spark significant debates long after its box office run. RGV sees "Animal" as more than just a film; he considers it a profound social statement capable of triggering a cultural overhaul with its unapologetic honesty in exposing moral hypocrisy.