Suriya reacts on his injury in Kanguva sets. Tamil star Suriya recently found himself in a minor accident while shooting for his upcoming film "Kanguva." The actor was engaged in capturing a build-up action shot when a rope camera unexpectedly broke loose, making contact with his shoulder.
While the impact of the fallen camera resulted in minimal injuries to the actor, the shoot for the film was promptly canceled for the day. This pause allowed Suriya some time to rest and ensure a swift recovery.
The incident, characterized by the camera slipping onto the actor's shoulder, caused the injury. Fortunately, no one else on set sustained injuries, preventing the situation from escalating into a major incident. Consequently, the film's makers decided to temporarily halt the shoot.
Concerns about Suriya's health surfaced among his devoted fan base, prompting the actor to provide an update on his well-being. Suriya took to social media and posted, "Dear Friends, well-wishers & my #AnbaanaFans Heartfelt thanks for the outpouring ‘get well soon’ msgs.. feeling much better.. always grateful for all your love :)"