Malvika Sharma playing this role in Harom Hara, first look released. Sudheer Babu's highly anticipated film, "Harom Hara," directed by Gnanaseagar Dwaraka, is swiftly making progress, eliciting significant interest from cinema enthusiasts. While the anticipation for "Power of Subramanyam," set to release on November 22, is palpable, the film's makers have further heightened the excitement by unveiling the first look of the enchanting Malvika Sharma.
In the unveiled poster, Malvika Sharma is presented in the role of Devi, the beloved of Subramanyam, portrayed by Sudheer Babu. Dressed in a graceful saree, she exudes beauty and traditional charm while standing in reverence before the deity of Lord Subramanya Swamy.
Accompanied by the tagline "The Revolt," the film promises a compelling narrative, with the versatile Sunil playing a pivotal role. Chaitan Bharadwaj, known for his musical prowess, takes charge as the film's music director. The project is produced by Sumanth G Naidu under the esteemed banner of SSC (Sree Subrahmanyeshwara Cinemas).
As "Harom Hara" unfolds, it not only showcases the allure of Malvika Sharma but also introduces a captivating storyline, blending tradition, love, and the essence of revolt. With a talented ensemble and a promising team behind the scenes, the film appears poised to captivate audiences and make a significant mark in the world of Telugu cinema. The unveiling of Malvika Sharma's first look adds an extra layer of intrigue, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the cinematic spectacle that "Harom Hara" is set to deliver.