Thalapathy 68 cast and crew details revealed. Vijay, the charismatic star who recently enthralled his fans with the action-packed entertainer "LEO," is now all set for his next cinematic adventure known as "Thalapathy 68," directed by the talented Venkat Prabhu. To add to the festive spirit, the film's creators have come forward with an exhilarating update, unveiling the cast and crew details through a captivating video on the occasion of Dasara.
"Thalapathy 68" is produced by Kalapathi S Aghoram's AGS Entertainment, and though the film's auspicious pooja ceremony took place earlier this month, it's now that the makers have treated fans to a glimpse of this significant event, also sharing insights into the film's ensemble.
The cast of "Thalapathy 68" boasts an impressive lineup, including Prashanth, Prabhudeva, Sneha, Laila, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Mohan, Jayaram, Ajmal Amir, Yogi Babu, VTV Ganesh, and the usual trusted collaborators of Venkat Prabhu, namely Premgi, Vaibhav, Aravind Akash, and Ajay Raj.
Siddhartha Nuni has taken charge of the film's cinematography, ensuring that every frame is visually captivating, while editing duties are handled with finesse by Venkat Raajen. "Thalapathy 68" commenced its journey earlier this month and is currently in full swing, promising a thrilling cinematic experience for fans and movie enthusiasts alike.