It is known that Superstar Rajinikanth after his Monstrous blockbuster Jailer has started his latest film #Thalaivar170. The film has started its shooting on October 4th in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala with a pooja ceremony. The film is being made with ensemble cast including Amitabh Bachchan, Fahadh Faasil, Rana Daggubati, Manju Warrier, Dushara Vijayan and Ritika Singh. It is produced by Lyca Productions in TS Gnanavel's direction.
A problem arises against Rajinikanth and makers from Vanniyar caste. Ever since the announcement of the film, they are opposing it. Reason behind their displeasure is it's director TS Gnanavel. Earlier he directed Jai Bhim with Suriya. The problem started with Jai Bhim. Vanniyars opposed Jai Bhim, its Director and hero, producer Suriya for showing Vanniyars in negative manner.
Back then, the Saidapet Court had even directed the Chennai Police to file a case against actor Suriya, his wife Jyothika and Jai Bhim’s director TS Gnanavel for showing Vanniyars in poor light. Now, as Rajinikanth and Lyca Productions are making their new film with Gnanavel, once again the issue came into limelight.
Vanniyar Sangam raising the war flag against this film has created a stir. #VanniyarsBoycottRajinikanth has been trending since the launch of Thalaivar 170. They have issued a statement that they are going to boycott this film as a protest against the defamatory portrayal of the Vanniyar community in the film Jaibeem, directed by T.S.Gnanvel and starring Suriya. State Vanniyar Sangh Secretary Vaithi said in his statement that the people of the Vanniyar community should not support any film made with the contribution of Gnanavel.