Vijay D calls Samantha Late night. Rowdy Star Vijay Devarakonda and Samantha are romancing each other in their upcoming love flick Kushi. The film directed by Shiva Nirvana is releasing on 1 September 2023.
The makers are promoting the film in unique way and this is capturing the imagination of all. Now Vijay Devarakonda and Samantha's late night calls are becoming the talking point.
Vijay Devarakonda called Samantha late night at 1.30AM and Samantha asked him 'What happened? Is everything alright?'. Vijay told ' Nothing. I am missing you. I will tell Knock Knock joke for you.'. Vijay went on to sing ' Na Roja Nuvve.. Naa Dil se Nuvve'.
Vijay shared this video on social media which is going viral. While people are talking about Vijay Devarakonda and Samantha's late night calls, what many are forgetting that it's late night only for Vijay Devarakonda and as Samantha is in USA, for her it's afternoon and no problem for her.
People are attacking Vijay Devarakonda for flirting with a divorcee but others are saying it's all part of Kushi promotions.