The IPL-Kochi franchisee controversy has got worst as Lalit Modi, IPL commissioner faced the threat of legal action from the franchisee, Rendezvous Sports, as he countered the onslaught by accusing that Tharoor called him up to ask him not to seek the identity of the Rendezvous stakeholders, even though regulations made it necessary for the identities to be revealed to IPL.
What lends intensity to the unfolding drama is the suspicion that the IPL bosses unhappy with Rendezvous gate crashing into the bidding may be pressuring it to vacate the slot for an established corporate entity. The matter has taken on the dimension of a power play - not of the Twenty20 kind - with political circles buzzing about Tharoor lobbying Congress bigwigs to beat back the bid to get Rendezvous to leave Kochi.