Klinkara ushers luck to Chiranjeevi. Mega Star Chiranjeevi and the entire mega family broke into celebrations when Ram Charan and Upsana are blessed with a baby girl. They held a grand function and named the baby as Klinkara. After the baby's birth, Chiranjeevi proudly said Klinkara brought mega family luck and will continue to do so in the future.
In the midst of all this, many are saying Chiranjeevi's prediction is coming true. It is known that the real estate rates are skyrocketing in Kokapet and Chiranjeevi's assets are increasing.
Chiranjeevi sometime back shared that he acquired a few acres of land but revealed that his wife Surekha made him write some of those lands to his two sisters during Rakhi festival.
It is not clear how much Chiranjeevi owns in Kokapet. Chiranjeevi acquired land in Kokapet for farming but he left it like that as the things weren't conducive. When Chiranjeevi gifted land to his sisters during Rakhi, at that time, one acre costed Rs 30crs. Sometime back rumours spread that Chiranjeevi owned 20 acres in Kokapet but at that time there as no development. If Chiranjeevi still holds 20acres then he is richer by Rs 1500crs.