
Pawan Kalyan Aimless Aggression Is Making Him Look Unstable

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Pawan Aimless Aggression Is Making Him Look Unstable

Pawan Kalyan
Pawan Kalyan

Any leader or politician needs to instill confidence among his followers and people so that they choose him to lead them. Apart from this, blaming and threatening others would never yield better results. Pawan Kalyan has experienced this in previous elections. He has immense crowd-pulling ability and has the power to make them listen to him.

Likewise, YS Jagan 2019 elections, Pawan Kalyan is also trying to expose the government's failures and inability to work toward the welfare of the people. While Jagan was more concentrated on projecting how better he would be as Chief Minister compared to Chandra Babu Naidu back then, Pawan Kalyan is still treading the same path of going on aggressively against the government instead of giving confidence to people about him. 


The main allegation Pawan Kalyan faced as he is all talk before achieving anything and is working for the benefit of Chandra Babu Naidu against Jagan. This was the main drawback about him during the last elections and is still the same. He keeps on following same pattern of verbal attack with harsh language that might give him cheers from the crowd instantaneously. But, it is making him look like an amateurish leader and desperate. 

Pawan Kalyan's comments like 'Will tie the leaders in chains and parade them in streets' doesn't project him as a responsible leader. His allegations against leader like Mudragada Padmanabham who is known as dedicated leader for Kapu causes also doesn't favor him in fetching Kapu vote bank. While fighting a strong enemy like Jagan, Pawan needs to be extra cautious about how he is being seen by the people.