Sekhar Kammula-Dhanush project getting delayed. When Sekhar Kammula, an award-winning director teamed with Dhanush, everyone got excited as Kammula is known for his realistic stories and Dhanush is known for his natural performances. But it is now coming out that the project is getting delayed.
Dhanush is on a high scoring hit with SIR and is lining up interesting projects. Dhanush is starring in Captain Miller which has a mafia backdrop. Dhanush is set to start the 100crs project, a periodic entertainer and he is only helming the project. The project will be released in 2024.
Dhanush according to sources, decided not to take up any projects during this time. This delays his project with Sekhar Kammula. Dhanush-Sekhar Kammula project will be going to sets by the 2024 or 2025 start and inside talk is the film is a romantic entertainer in the periodic backdrop.
It has to be seen whether Sekhar Kammula will take up another project or wait for Dhanush all this time.