Siddhu Jonnalagadda's DJ Tillu Square has been in problems ever since the project was launched. At first director, Vimal Krishna who directed the original walked out of the project due to creative differences. Neha Shetty who oozed with glamor in the original found no place in the sequel. Later heroines like Anupama Parameswaran, Sree Leela and Madonna Sebastian walking out of the project and not showing interest became a huge controversy.
Now reports are coming that Curly Hairs Anupama Parameswaran is back into the project. Sharing the details, the makers posted "Curly tales on the sets of #TilluSquare" The sequel is directed by Mallik Ram.
The music for the film is scored by Ram Miryala and the film is slated for a grand release on March 2023. Sai Prakash Ummadisingu is the cinematographer for the film bankrolled on the Sithara Entertainments banner, in association with Fortune Four Cinemas.