
Young beauty image tarnished unnecessarily

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Rubbish rumors on Young Beauty

Baseless rumors on young beauty
Baseless rumors on young beauty

Young heroines are often targeted by scribes and rumor-mongers. Now young beauty's image is getting tarnished unnecessarily by the rubbish rumors. The young beauty scored a resounding hit on debut and rumors spread that she increased her remuneration astronomically and is losing crazy offers without listening to anyone. Now another rumor is spreading that she left a crazy Bollywood offer without going to the audition.

Rumors spread that though the Bollywood production house called this beauty repeatedly she ignored that calls. She even refused to do auditions for her role saying she is a star in Tollywood. Some reports also came that directors are finding it difficult to extract performance from her.


But many say such rumors are baseless and she couldn't attend the auditions due to her busy schedules and callsheets. Rumors are out that unable to bear the negative publicity she is giving green signals to only Malayalam projects rejecting biggies in Tollywood. Inside talk is this heroine is ruing in front of close aides that these baseless rumors are tarnishing her image and progress in Tollywood.