Super Star Mahesh Babu's wife Namrata Shirodkar during her interactions with the scribes recollected her memories and also spoke about her love life with Mahesh Babu and also whether they had differences. Namrata said that she did modeling and after getting bored with modeling she entered films. She said Mahesh Babu had the perfect idea as to how his life partner was to be and accordingly she quit the films after marrying Mahesh Babu.
She said though she got offers after marriage, she had no intention of starring in films and so she rejected them. She added that she and Mahesh Babu generally do not quarrel and have no differences but only at times differ when it comes to kids Gautham and Sithara.
She added that she and Mahesh never planned for Sithara and she just came like a God's gift and she cannot now live without Sithara. She also said they faced lot of tensions when Gautham was born prematurely.