Raviteja's Tiger Nageswara Rao is attracting the attention of all as it happens to be the biopic on the dreaded thief of Stuartpuram, Tiger Nageswara Rao who wreaked fear in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The film stars Nupur Sanon and Gayathri Bharadwaj as the female leads under the direction of Vamsi Kreshna of Kittu Unnadu Jagratha-fame.
Pawan Kalyan's ex-wife Renu Desai is playing the important role of social reformist Hemalatha Lavanam in the film. Now speculation is on over the Tiger Nageswara Rao twist. Sources say the twist which appear ahead of the interval how Ravjteja's life as Tiger Nageswara Rao changed drastically thrills all. Anupam Kher is playing an important role in the film.
GV.Prakash Kumar is the music director and Madhie is the cinematographer while the film is bankrolled by Abhishek Agerwal on Abhishek Arts banner.