
Tabu on why she is not using her father name

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Tabu not using father surname

Tabu not using father surname
Tabu not using father surname

Tabu during her hay days gave sleepless nights to movie lovers with her romantic expressions and intense glamor treat. Even now she floors all with her good looks and powerful and impactful performances. Tabu speaking to scribes shared why she is not using her father's surname.

Sharing her ordeal, Tabu says “I never really used it, I never thought it was important for me to use my father’s surname, it was always Tabassum Fatima, which was my middle name. In school, Fatima was my surname. I have no memories of him. My sister has met him on occasion, but I have never really felt like meeting him. I am not curious about him, I am happy the way I am, the way I have grown up. I am very settled in my own life.”


She added "We have always had very strong women in our family, and that has made me extremely independent. I think it is intimidating for men to deal with women who have grown up in women-led households and have a strong female influence on them because it is very unconventional (for them) that there are these females who don’t really need men to support them. That kind of shatters their image of themselves as men, and as providers, and that is why most of them cannot come to terms"