
Is Kalyan Ram taking a wrong decision

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Kalyan Ram delay tactics disappointing all

-Kalyan Ram -
-Kalyan Ram -

Kalyan Ram is known for doing different genre roles and doing out of the box entertainers. However for all his intensity and passion, his success rate is pathetic at the US box office. However he recently delighted all by scoring a super hit with the period entertainer Bimbisara. People got excited and started waiting for the next part from the makers of this trilogy. 

But now disappointing news is coming that Kalyan Ram will concentrate on the film's second part only after he completes his current commitments. Director of Bimbisara, Mallidi Vasishth confirmed the same during his interactions with the fans. Kalyan Ram is currently busy with interesting thrillers titled Devil and Amigos. 


Analysts are finding fault with the decision of Kalyan Ram and his delay tactics are infact disappointing his fans. That are saying Kalyan Ram should have fast paced this sequel after scoring the hit putting his other projects Devil and Amigos on the back burner.