Young Tiger Ntr Fans were super happy with the slim look of their Hero. NTR appeared recently in his new toned look during promotions of RRR at Japan. Fans shared pics of NTR and his family while they were out in Japan. They adored his new look. Their happiness lasted for a short time only.
Just like after NTR's trip, he is back home, His fans again back to their mood of craving fo NTR 30 updates. They started trending #WeDemanNTR30Update hastag in twitter tagging Production house, PRO's and team. They are demanding to reveal latest development about NTR - Koratala Shiva's combination film. They want to know when the film will be launched. Makers are not paying attention to their demands.
In the recent past Prabhas fans used to trend hashtags like these demanding his latest film's updates. Now it's Ntr Fans turn to continue the Updates War. NTR 30 was announced on NTR's Birthday in May. Sudhakar Mikkilineni is bank-rolling this project under Yuvasudha Arts and Nandamuri Kalyanram is presenting under NTR ARTS banner. Anirudh is composing the music.