SS Rajamouli's pan world blockbuster RRR starring Ram Charan and NTR is now spread its wings in Japan. It is known that the film was released in Japan on October 21st and the trio of RRR are aggressively promoting the film. The film opened to highest numbers for an Indian film at the Japanese box-office and registered huge number of footfalls.
The team is actively participating the screenings and interacting with audiences. In one such meet, Director SS Rajamouli made an interesting comment. When asked about what is the hardest thing while making RRR. He answered it is Ram Charan's introduction episode. He extended, " While it was Charan against 100 in Magadheera, It is Charan against 10000 in RRR. It was very difficult to film it. At one point of time I thought I can't make it and was even thought of letting go off the idea. But, luckily for the kind of choreographer I had, I was able to pull it off."
Rajamouli also thanked his action choreographer Solomon on the occasion. While Rajamouli was explaining the answer he asked how many of the audience have seen his Magadheera and it was a pleasant surprise that almost all of them raised their hands.